Platform Use Cases

DevSecOps Pipeline Integration

Using Your Current CI/CD Solution

Integrate security tooling into Your DevOps Pipeline with DeployHub.

DevSecOps Pipeline Integration Tool

DeployHub integrates seamlessly with CI/CD pipelines, from Jenkins to GitHub, to ensure the implementation of security tooling from build thru deployment. Automated security checks at each stage help identify vulnerabilities at the point they are introduced, enabling timely and low-cost remediation. With DeployHub you can easily fortify your pipelines to implement continuous security and deliver a hardened DevSecOps platform.

To support the consumption of SBOMs, DeployHub collects SBOM results with historical tracking to continuously audit every component version for non-stop vulnerability detection in the DevSecOps platform.  The steps for adding SBOM generation to your workflow are fairly straightforward. With DeployHub, minimal updates to your pipeline workflow files are required. The platform uses the Ortelius Open-source CLI interface to support your DevSecOps Pipeline Integration.

Key Concept

DevSecOps pipelines are automated workflows that integrate with security practices throughout the software development lifecycle.

DeployHub DevSecOps Pipeline Integrations

Enhance your DevOps process with DeployHub’s DevSecOps Pipeline integration. Associate SonarQube Project Status, Bugs, Code Smells, and Violations metrics to your Component Version. Associating these metrics enables compliance scoring for Application Versions since the metrics are rolled up from the Component Versions to the Application Version.

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DeployHub can associate Veracode Security Scan with your component version. Associating these metrics enables compliance scoring for Application Versions since the metrics are rolled up from the Component Versions to the Application Version.

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If you are not already generating an SBOM as part of your DevSecOps Pipeline integration, DeployHub’s integration with Syft can transform your DevOps pipeline to a DevSecOps platform.

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DeployHub’s continuous security intelligence can consume CycloneDX formatted SBOMs. If you are already generating SBOMs, you will pass the name of the SBOM results to DeployHub.

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DeployHub’s continuous security intelligence can consume any SPDX formatted SBOM. If you are already generating SBOMs, you will pass the name of the SBOM results to DeployHub.

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DeployHub uses OSV.Dev to continuously monitor the vulnerabilities of your Components and Applications within your software supply chain. DeployHub scans for new vulnerabilities every 30 minutes turning your DevOps pipeline into a DevSecOps platform that generates continuous vulnerability detection. 

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DeployHub integrates into your CI/CD process using the Ortelius Open-Source Command Line (CLI). The Ortelius CLI gathers supply chain data based on a single pipeline workflow at the build and deploy steps. The build step gathers Swagger, SBOM, Readme, licenses, Git data, Docker image, and other build output. The deploy step records when a release occurs, what was sent, and where the objects were sent to.

The Ortelius Open Source Community maintains the Ortelius CLI under the governance of the Linux Foundation’s Continuous Delivery Foundation.

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You can configure DeployHub to call out to a Git Repo to pull deployable artifacts (binaries, scripts, etc.) as part of your deployment. The process will check out your deployable artifacts based on commit, branch or tag specified.

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Helm can be called to replace the DeployHub default processing engine for performing container deployments. When DeployHub executes the release process, it will call the Helm Chart you have defined as your Custom Action at the Component level. Our microservice catalog includes the version of the Helm chart as part of its overall configuration data. In addition, DeployHub’s software supply chain defense catalog can track Key Value pairs and generate override files for each environment to which you are deploying, making updates to configurations quick and easy.

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Add your API Swagger documentation to your DeployHub evidence room  to clarify component use and details.

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DeployHub integrates with Jira, Bugzilla, and GitHub issues to track your change request at three levels: Component (microservice), Application, and Release (collection of Applications). You define Jira, Bugzilla, or GitHub through an object called a ‘data source.’ Once defined, you can pull change requests from your issue system and assign them at any level for tracking. When change requests are managed this way, a continuous feedback loop shows when the issue was opened and when the customer received the fix.

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If you are developing your Applications using SaleForce, this integration will allow you to support SalesForce deployments. By creating this Custom Action, you can replace the DeployHub standard deployment processing engine and instead use a process designed specific to Salesforce including the mapping of DeployHub Environments to different SalesForce regions such as testing, pre-production, and production, where the class and package files can be deployed.

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A software supply chain management catalog would be incomplete without managing the important database parts, particularly for poly databases. You can publish your database updates to the catalog, tracking and versioning your data changes. DeployHub has a unique type of Component for database updates, allowing you to manage your database with roll-forward and rollback processing. Check out the ‘version jumping’ DB Demo.

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DeployHub’s continuous security intelligence allows you to send notifications using Notifiers via HipChat Groups, Topics, or Room features. Notifications are defined to Components and Applications and inform the recipient(s) of the Component or Applications deployment’s success or failure.

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Slack can be integrated with DeployHub using NotifiersNotifiers can be called to report on the success or failure of a deployment.

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DeployHub integrates with CircleCI to support microservices continuous configuration management and continuous deployments built into your CircleCI pipeline. In particular, DeployHub integrates with CircleCI to enrich the CI/CD pipeline around microservices, tracking which applications need to be retested due to a common microservice update.

Critical to the process is the ability to perform versioning and tracking microservices across clusters and teams and map them to ‘logical’ Applications. DeployHub’s CircleCI Orb includes the ability to perform automated version and dependency management of microservices tracking application and microservice relationships, their versions, and their deployment metadata.

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DeployHub allows you to use LDAP or Active Directory to manage your User logins. The integration creates an LDAP Data Source to access an LDAP database and use the information stored to gain access to DeployHub. It also populates the Users General tab with Real Name and Email, which it gets from the LDAP database. When you define a User, you associate the LDAP authentication method. At login, DeployHub checks the User’s authentication method to determine if LDAP or Active Directory should be used.

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Continuous Security Intelligence Explored.

Understand how Continuous Security Intelligence can simplify the complexities of DevSecOps in decoupled systems. 

DevSecOps Tool

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DeployHub integrates seamlessly with CI/CD pipelines and DevSecOps tools, from Jenkins to GitHub, so you can easily fortify your DevOps process to implement continuous security.


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Platform Use Cases

DevSecOps tool for unified visibility

Bridge your dev, security and ops teams through shared insights.

DevOps Tool for Exposing Open-Source

Discover and de-risk your open-source usage organization-wide.

DevSecOps Tool SBOM Sharing

Aggregate SBOMs and instantly comply with executive order 14028.

DevSecOps tool for security sharing

Continuously monitor security across your entire application portfolio.

DevSecOps Tool vulnerability blast radius

Assess impact of a vulnerability’s blast radius.

DevSecOps tool for CI/CD pipelines

Transform devops pipelines with devsecops tool integration.

DevSecOps Tool

Whitepaper Download

Continuous Security Intelligence Explored.