Platform Use Cases

Continuous Security Monitoring

Across Your Entire Application Portfolio

Continuously Surveil Vulnerabilities and Security Risks Based on Release Versions.

Continuous Security Monitoring Platform

DeployHub’s Continuous Security Monitoring uses the DevSecOps configuration versions to provide similar investigative insights. The DeployHub platform includes a built-in versioning engine to compare supply chain data based on a ‘component version’ or ‘application version.’ 

Security teams can version all security and configuration details providing comprehensive comparisons reports over time to expose potential risk caused by a software update.

DeployHub’s Inspector tool performs continuous security monitoring of your software supply chain from the first commit to final deployment and beyond, ensuring adherence to internal security policies and instantly flagging vulnerabilities.

Key Concept

What is Continuous Security Monitoring?

Continuous security monitoring involves the ongoing assessment and surveillance of the entire software development and deployment process.

Continuous Security Monitoring Platform Capabilities

Here are the key capabilities of continuous security monitoring using the DeployHub platform.

DevSecOps tool for unified visibility


Using DeployHub, teams can version the SBOM, CVE, licensing, Swagger details, Key-Value pairs, deployment logic, and endpoint configurations are all part of the component’s configuration and be versioned and tracked. The DeployHub continuous security monitoring platform also versions all security and configuration details providing comprehensive comparisons reports over time to expose potential risk caused by a software update.

DevSecOps tool for unified visibility

Expose Version Drift

Drift is created when different versions of a single component run in multiple environments and is a common issue across the software supply chain, particularly in decoupled architectures. DeployHub’s continuous security monitoring tool exposes when multiple versions of the same component are running in different environments. Exposing drift allows DevOps teams to more rapidly respond to vulnerabilities, correct issues, and maintain version standards across fragmented systems.

DevSecOps tool for unified visibility

Real-time Vulnerability Analysis

Continuous security monitoring provides teams with round-the-clock, real-time vulnerability analysis after your software build. Continuous security monitoring allows for proactive threat hunting, showing where a vulnerability is running across all of your environments, applications, and components.  These insights provide a comprehensive view of the security landscape, enabling better risk management, detection and rapid response to new threats found every day.

DevSecOps tool for unified visibility

Track Version Number

The DeployHub platform logically tracks a version number for every release, using semantic versioning. Calendar versioning can get confusing if a service is changed multiple times in a single day. DeployHub uses the Git Commit SHA in the semantic versioning number. This helps connect back to the developer’s change.

DevSecOps tool for unified visibility

Vulnerability Impact

DeployHub’s continuous security monitoring shows vulnerability impact allowing teams to make fast remediation decisions. Because new threats are found everyday, the practice of continuous security monitoring is crucial for catching and fixing security threats that can arise after the build step where static code analysis is performed.  

DevSecOps tool for unified visibility

Track ‘logical’ applications

DeployHub logically tracks all ‘logical’ applications that are consuming the component as part of the versioning strategy. Using this best practice will provide a clear picture of the impact a single vulnerability has across the organization. 

DeployHub’s Inspector performs continuous security monitoring of your software supply chain from the first commit to final deployment and beyond, ensuring adherence to internal security policies and instantly flagging vulnerabilities. Using the DeployHub continuous security monitoring platform allows teams to understand their logical application structure, versions, releases, and domains, providing vital context to vulnerabilities as your cloud-native environment changes. 

Whitepaper Download

Continuous Security Intelligence Explored.

Understand how Continuous Security Intelligence can simplify the complexities of DevSecOps in decoupled systems. 

DevSecOps Tool

Get Started

The DeployHub platform is an invaluable DevSecOps tool, providing continuous surveillance of your software lifecycle across logical applications, releases, and domains so you always know the security posture of your most critical systems.


Explore DeployHub 

Platform Use Cases

DevSecOps tool for unified visibility

Bridge your dev, security and ops teams through shared insights.

DevOps Tool for Exposing Open-Source

Discover and de-risk your open-source usage organization-wide.

DevSecOps Tool SBOM Sharing

Aggregate SBOMs and instantly comply with executive order 14028.

DevSecOps tool for security sharing

Continuously monitor security across your entire application portfolio.

DevSecOps Tool vulnerability blast radius

Assess impact of a vulnerability’s blast radius.

DevSecOps tool for CI/CD pipelines

Transform devops pipelines with devsecops tool integration.

DevSecOps Tool

Whitepaper Download

Continuous Security Intelligence Explored.