Key Concept

Understanding Software Bill of Materials Management

Understanding the importance of consuming and sharing Software Bill of Materials

Defining SBOM Management

What is SBOM Management?

A Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is a critical resource in software development and security that provides a detailed inventory of all the components, libraries, and dependencies that make up a software application. It tracks open-source and third-party components, ensuring full visibility into the software supply chain.  

SBOM management is the process of tracking Software Bill of Materials reports as they are generated across the DevOps pipeline. SBOMs provide little benefit when they are left dormant in a build directory where they were generated. SBOM management leverages the data to provide actionable insights for understanding open-source package usage, impact on the supply chain, and real-time vulnerability scanning and reporting. 

While it is important to add SBOM generation to your DevOps process, it is the consumption and usage of SBOM data that allows for zero-trust policies, vulnerability warning systems, and software supply chain intelligence. Tracking the SBOM data and history provides the insights needed to make actionable decisions about the software you consume.

Why is SBOM Management Important?

The now famous Log4J security incident spotlighted the need for SBOMs. By interrogating SBOMs, you could easily see if your application depended on a particular Log4J version. In 2022, the Biden Administration mandated that all software consumed by the US Government requires an SBOM with the goal of hardening cybersecurity. SBOM management is critical in this process, which is why consuming and leveraging SBOM (Software Bill of Material) data is important. 

At the most basic level, SBOM data is needed to determine your software’s common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs). In addition, SBOMs provide licensing and provenance information critical to deciding what open-source packages should be excluded from your internal supply chain. SBOM data is the first level of defense from supply chain attacks.  


SBOM and the CI/CD Pipeline

Software developers should generate a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) in the CI/CD pipeline to ensure continuous visibility and security of the software supply chain throughout the development lifecycle. By integrating SBOM generation into the pipeline, developers can automatically track and document every component and dependency used in the application, including third-party and open-source libraries for every release version. 

This early and consistent tracking enables faster detection of vulnerabilities, licensing issues, or outdated components before and after the software is deployed. It also facilitates compliance with industry standards and regulations while ensuring that security risks are identified and mitigated proactively in real-time.

SBOMs, By the Numbers

The adoption of SBOMs (Software Bill of Materials) is on the rise, driven by both security concerns and regulatory requirements. While the exact number of companies generating SBOMs varies, a 2022 report indicated that 36% of organizations producing containerized applications also generate SBOMs. However, the broader adoption is still developing, with many companies recognizing the importance of SBOMs in light of high-profile software supply chain attacks and regulatory mandates like the U.S. Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity.

SBOMs provide a comprehensive inventory of all software components, allowing organizations to track vulnerabilities and manage risks across the supply chain more effectively. Companies are increasingly required to provide SBOMs to comply with both security best practices and government regulations, particularly in sectors like defense and critical infrastructure.

Adopting SBOMs as part of the CI/CD pipeline is becoming crucial as they enable continuous vulnerability management of third-party and open-source software components, making them a critical tool for secure software delivery.

SBOM Types

here are several types of Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs), each designed to meet different needs for tracking software components and dependencies. The most common types include:

  1. SPDX (Software Package Data Exchange): Developed by the Linux Foundation, SPDX is an open, machine-readable format. It is highly flexible and capable of capturing detailed information about software components, including license data, making it suitable for both open-source and proprietary software.

  2. CycloneDX: Created by OWASP, CycloneDX is another open-source, machine-readable format. It is lightweight and agile, making it ideal for managing complex dependencies and security data in application security and DevSecOps environments. CycloneDX is widely used for its ease of integration with security tools.

  3. SWID (Software Identification): The Software Identification (SWID) tag is an ISO/IEC standard primarily used by commercial software vendors. SWID tags are included in most commercial software packages and are used for software inventory and cataloging purposes. However, they provide less detailed data compared to SPDX or CycloneDX.

Each of these SBOM types is designed to provide transparency into software components, their origins, and relationships, helping organizations manage vulnerabilities and ensure compliance with security and legal requirements

In a cloud-native decoupled architecture, your SBOMs are generated and managed at the artifact or microservices level. Microservices are pushed across your continuous delivery pipeline independently and frequently. Every time a new microservice is updated, all of the consuming ‘logical applications’ have a new version with a new SBOM and CVE report. 

Developers, DevOps Engineers, and Security teams struggle to keep up with the changes and cannot easily provide SBOM and CVE reporting for all impacted applications. The result is the absence of an application level SBOM that represent the entire software solution. Federated SBOMs are required in a decoupled architecture.

However, creating an application-level SBOM in a decoupled, cloud-native architecture can be a major headache. Each microservice has its SBOM. To generate an SBOM at the application level, development teams need to understand what versions of microservices they are using and consolidate all SBOMs into a single report.

Take a Look at a Federated SBOM

See how DeployHub Pro puts your SBOM Data to work. An Application SBOM is a collection of dependency SBOMs.

Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) are closely related to finding vulnerabilities in software for several reasons:

  1. Dependency Management: Many vulnerabilities arise from outdated or insecure third-party libraries. SBOMs enable organizations to track these dependencies effectively, facilitating regular updates and patching of vulnerable components.

  2. Vulnerability Databases: SBOMs can be cross-referenced with vulnerability databases (like the National Vulnerability Database or CVE). By comparing the components listed in an SBOM with known vulnerabilities, organizations can quickly identify which parts of their software are at risk.

  3. Risk Assessment: Having a clear view of all software components helps in assessing the overall risk of a software project. Organizations can prioritize remediation efforts based on the criticality of components and the severity of vulnerabilities.

  4. Compliance and Auditing: Many regulations and standards now require organizations to maintain an SBOM. This helps in ensuring compliance and allows for audits regarding the security posture of the software.

  5. Automated Tools: Various tools can analyze SBOMs for vulnerabilities. By automating this process, organizations can maintain a proactive security posture, quickly addressing newly discovered vulnerabilities.

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Cloud-native architecture makes the cybersecurity challenge even more difficult. Understand how DeployHub’s Continuous Vulnerability Management can simplify the complexities of DevSecOps in decoupled systems.


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DeployHub Pro’s continuous vulnerability management platform monitors open-source vulnerabilities in real-time, allowing teams to make fast remediation decisions as soon as a new vulnerability is found. New threats are found everyday, DeployHub Pro helps you find and fix them.

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Explore Ortelius open-source. Sign up for Ortelius SaaS and experience vulnerability management in action with a quick, hands-on overview. DeployHub Pro is based on Ortelius OS. Ortelius is incubating at the Continuous Delivery Foundation