Signup for Ortelius Open-Source
Continuous Vulnerability Management – Free SaaS Platform Hosted by DeployHub
Signup for Ortelius OS and start responding to vulnerabilities fast.
Step 1
Complete the Signup Form
You will need a Company and Project Name to sign up. The Company Name you enter will be created as your company’s private domain, referred to as your Global Domain. Your Project Name will be used under your company Domain.
You will also receive an email with your unique user ID and client ID, along with other links and useful information.
Step 2
Explore Ortelius
Once you Login, you will be given the opportunity to select the Domain you wish to use.
Step 3
Proof of Concept
Complete a Proof of Concept that automates Ortelius OS via your CI/CD Pipeline. Ortelius uses the Command Line Interface to automate vulnerability management. We have provided a suggested POC starting point, which includes the CLI integration. Download the Proof of Concept Documentation and start gathering a full view of your vulnerabilities today.
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