
Continuous Vulnerability Management Platform for DevSecOps

DeployHub Pro controls package vulnerabilities across all assets of the entire software lifecycle…code to cloud. 

Locate & Rapidly Respond to Vulnerabilities and Threats

Code-level vulnerabilities are a looming threat in the complex architecture of cloud-native computing.

DeployHub’s Continuous Vulnerability Management seamlessly monitors, reports, and accelerates the remediation of vulnerabilities at every stage of the software supply chain.  

The DeployHub vulnerability management platform uses a proactive approach to minimize slow, vulnerable package response that results in costly and catastrophic outcomes.

$5.5 Million Annually

The Cost of Vulnerabilities

According to IBM’s Cost of Data Breach report, a slow response to vulnerabilities can cost enterprises an average of $5.5 million annually.

Sonatype’s 2024 Report shows a 156% increase in open-source package vulnerabilities, exceeding 512k, with 80% of them unaddressed for over a year.

Continuous Vulnerability Management

Understand how SBOMs and Deployment data is used to continuously detect new vulnerabilities across all assets in your infrastructure.

Create Appplication Level SBOMs in Decoupled Architecture

DeployHub Pro’s Inspector continuously gathers SPDX or CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) reports from CI/CD pipelines with every artifact update. It then integrates the Component SBOM data with the corresponding software solutions, generating comprehensive Application SBOMs tailored for decoupled architectures. This process ensures that every change is reflected in real-time across the system, piecing together clues to form a complete SBOM report.

Respond to Vulnerabilities in Real-Time

DeployHub utilizes SBOM data to continuously monitor, detecting and reporting new vulnerabilities across all system assets, from code to cloud. Unlike a static SBOM, DeployHub provides real-time updates, delivering daily reports on newly discovered CVEs. Vulnerabilities are promptly flagged and reported to the Watch Center, allowing your development and security teams to respond swiftly.

Evaluate Open-Source Package Security Compliance

To help you determine the security compliance of open-source packages, the DeployHub Pro vulnerability management platform captures the OpenSSF scorecard information of every package listed in the SBOM, for every Component version.

Build, Git and Helm Details

Map OS Packages to Deployed Endpoints

DeployHub Pro maps package vulnerabilities to their running endpoints, enabling efficient, targeted vulnerability management.  DeployHub Pro provides a deployment engine for frequent, decoupled releases, or you can use other tools like Helm to gather deployment insights. 

Build, Git and Helm Details

Search for OS Packages Across Your Infrastructure

By mapping DevOps and security data, a single search on an OS package reveals where the package is installed across all system assets in your infrastructure. This provides a clear view of the vulnerability’s impact and highlights where package updates are most urgently needed.  

Centralized ASPM Compliance Reports from Multiple DevSecOps Tools

DeployHub Pro offers a unified, 360-degree view of your entire application security landscape, consolidating all critical data into one easy-to-access hub. It brings centralized, real-time insights right at your fingertips, empowering you to stay ahead of potential threats with unmatched convenience and clarity.


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See Continuous Vulnerability Management In Action

Explore Ortelius open-source. Sign up for Ortelius SaaS and experience vulnerability management in action with a quick, hands-on overview. DeployHub Pro is based on Ortelius OS. Ortelius is incubating at the Continuous Delivery Foundation. 

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Platform Overview

DevSecOps tool for unified visibility

Unify your Dev, Security and Ops Teams Through Shared Insights

DeployHub Pro provides the DevSecOps tool for all teams to share insights, manage security issues, and achieve the speed of modern software development with the safety of deep security intelligence.

DevOps Tool for Exposing Open-Source

Discover and De-Risk Your Open-Source Usage Organization-Wide

DeployHub Pro tracks the usage of open-source software across teams and environments, so you know what open-source components are in use and where…and you can instantly be notified of vulnerabilities.

DevSecOps tool for security sharing

Continuously Monitor Security Across Your Entire Application Portfolio

DeployHub Pro is an invaluable DevSecOps tool, providing continuous surveillance of your software lifecycle across logical applications, releases, and domains so you always know the security posture of your most critical systems.

DevSecOps tool for CI/CD pipelines

Transform DevOps Pipelines with DevSecOps Tool Integration

DeployHub Pro integrates seamlessly with CI/CD pipelines and DevSecOps tools, from Jenkins to GitHub, so you can easily fortify your DevOps process to implement continuous security.

DevSecOps Tool SBOM Sharing

Aggregate SBOMs and Instantly Comply with Executive Order 14028

As a shared DevSecOps tool, DeployHub Pro aggregates SBOMs so you can maintain visibility into your ecosystem of components and comply with Executive Order 14028 with every release…with a single click.

DevSecOps Tool vulnerability blast radius

Assess Impact of a Vulnerability’s Blast Radius

The DeployHub Pro vulnerability management platform delivers the forensics needed to assess a vulnerability’s impact across your software supply chain to prioritize and remediate rapidly.

Benefits By Role

Platform Benefits

DeployHub’s continuous vulnerability management platform provides the DevSecOps tool for all teams to share insights, manage security issues and achieve the speed of modern software development with the safety of deep security intelligence.

DeployHub Pro For DevSecOps

Unified DevSecOps forensics allows DevOps teams to track the changes and trends in the software supply chain. DevOps Teams use these insights to determine which component versions are impacted by a vulnerability, and understand where the impacted component is running, a key DevSecOps tool feature.  Understanding impact reduces response times from days to hours. 

DeployHub Pro For Security

Security Officers must comprehensively view their organization’s security profile based on every piece of software consumed across all teams. Software security must be aggregated by a DevSecOps tool to make the data useful for CISO teams. SBOM data, CVEs, and open source inventory gathered across the organization provide the information needed to understand security compliance across all teams, giving CISO a single pane of glass for viewing security concerns.

DeployHub Pro For Development Teams

Unified software supply chain insights helps IT teams understand every piece of software they use, even transitive open-source packages. This information is critical to understanding the security and risk of consuming objects without hours of toil.

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Continuous Vulnerability Management, Explored.

Cloud-native architecture makes the cybersecurity challenge even more difficult. Understand how DeployHub’s Continuous Vulnerability Management platform can simplify the complexities of DevSecOps in decoupled systems.Â